Technological watch

Dutch Helian Polymers distributes South Koreans' first PHA in Europa

Dutch Helian Polymers distributes South Koreans' first PHA in EuropaBioplastics specialist Helian Polymers (Belfeld, the Netherlands; has taken charge of the sale and distribution of amorphous PHACT A1000P in Europe for South Korean polymer producer CheilJedang (CJ, Seoul; The two companies recently issued an announcement to this effect.
Amorphous PHA from Indonesian production (Photo: CheilJedang)
According to CJ Biomaterials, which developed the polymer, Tà?V Austria has certified its biological degradability, not only industrially but also for domestic composting, soil contact, and in the sea. CJ Biomaterials runs a 5,000 t/y plant for aPHA in Pasuruan, Indonesia, acquired from former owner Metaboli, which CJ purchased in 2016.
A year ago, CheilJedang and compounder HDC Hyundai Engineering Plastics (Dangjin, South Korea; also set up a compounding facility in Jincheon, South Korea.
With its new PHAradox brand, Helian has since summer 2022 been focusing exclusively on biopolymers, working closely with ColorFabb (Venlo, the Netherlands; on applications including 3D printing filaments. The masterbatch unit previously operated in parallel has been given to partner Addvanze Masterbatch (Helsingborg, Sweden;, which was acquired by Israeli masterbatch manufacturer and compounder Kafrit Industries (Negev; in 2021.14.04.2023 [252571-0]

Publication date: 14/04/2023



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870292.